By Joanne Rojas, Property Services Manager
Effective from 1 January 2022, all residential properties sold in Queensland will require to have compliant smoke alarms to be installed prior to the settlement of the property.
What are the new smoke alarm requirements?
The new smoke alarm legislation requires that a property have smoke alarms on each story, in every bedroom and in hallways or if no hallway, in the most likely path of travel towards the exit of the property.
Smoke alarms must be hardwired or powered by a non-removable 10-year battery, or a combination of both.
Smoke alarms must now be photoelectric and not contain an ionization sensor.
The requirement is for all residential rental properties and any residential properties being sold (from 1 January 2022), regardless of when it was built or if it is an owner-occupied or rented.
What if I am selling my property and I don’t have compliant smoke alarms?
Home owners have until settlement date to install compliant alarms. If they aren’t installed by that date, then the buyer is entitled to an adjustment of 0.15% of the sale price on settlement.
In addition to any contractual rights, you can also be liable to a penalty of approximately $685.00 if you do not have compliant smoke alarms.
What if I own my home and am considering selling in the future?
For those owner occupiers who aren’t in the process of selling at the moment, will have until 1 January 2027 to ensure they have compliant alarms installed. From this date, the new alarms will be compulsory for all dwellings – old and new.
Take action if you are buying or selling a property
If you are currently in the process of selling your home or buying a new residential property, and don’t have compliant alarms installed, or you are not sure if they are compliant, don’t delay in engaging a qualified installer.
This article is for the purposes of summarising general information only and is not considered legal advice and should not be relied up on as a substitute for professional advice.