Griffiths Parry Lawyers

shopping mall at Christmas

COVID-19 relief for commercial tenants – important update

The Government extended the operation of the Retail Shop Leases and Other Commercial Leases (COVID-19 Emergency Response) Regulation 2020 (“Regulations”) until 31 December, 2020 and has amended some of the Regulations for the current extended period. There are key differences between the initial response period to 30 September 2020 and the period 1 October 2020 […]

COVID-19 relief for commercial tenants – important update Read More »

man and woman looking over shoulders at each other

De-facto Couple or just “Boyfriend and Girlfriend”

De-facto Couple or just “Boyfriend and Girlfriend” There is a lot of confusion as to the definition of what is considered a de-facto relationship, Centrelink has its own definition, which is different than what is used in migration law and the Family Law Act 1975 provides no clear definition. De-facto relationships can be hard to

De-facto Couple or just “Boyfriend and Girlfriend” Read More »

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Who owns copyright in advertisements that you pay for?

Copyright laws in Australia protect a range of ‘works’ such as literary, dramatic, artistic and musical works. However, a problem arises when you pay an advertising agency to create an advertisement for your business. Whilst most would assume if they have paid for an advertisement to be created, they own the copyright in that work,

Who owns copyright in advertisements that you pay for? Read More »